2017-07-10 Posted in: developers, dizmo, dizmonks
Introduction In a typical workflow for developers, a lot of time is spent: compiling SASS to CSS, Linting code and validation, concatenating and minifying CSS and JavaScript deploying files to the correct location. All those tasks must be repeated manually every time you make a change to the source code, time you would rather spend […]
2016-11-09 Posted in: developers, dizmo, dizmonks
One of the unique features on dizmo is that one dizmo can remotely control another one. Take for example the Navigator dizmo: not only can it move from one dizmo to another (which is very helpful for a non-linear presentation) but also navigate from image to image inside the Slides dizmo! How does that work? […]
2016-09-26 Posted in: developers, dizmo, dizmonks
In this blog post, we’ll show how you to update our classic Calculator dizmo to work with dizmoLive. Currently, if you share the Calculator with dizmoLive, the receiver on target side does not update its display when calculations are done on the source side. Since dizmoLive only transports data tree updates, we have to modify […]