Dizmo joins the “DigitalSTROM Developer and Integration Days”

On 3 and 4 December, the digitalSTROM-Alliance held its 5th Developer and Integration Days in Schlieren-Zurich. The subject for the Developer and Integration Days was “integration of own applications into the digitalSTROM-system”, that is how to build system which integrates into the digitalSTROM-system to automate and control a building or a home. Around 50 developers worked in 8 project teams.

The projects ranged from automatically switching on the heating when the outside temperature fell below a certain threshold, to having a Roomba vacuum cleaner automatically detect when all home residents have left and start to cleaning. As an overarching project, our own Markus created a dizmo that integrates with digitalSTROM, so that we have the base for a full-fledged interface to control and automate the entire building, and also the roomba. Below are some images capturing the projects in progress.

As an added bonus, Roomba can also act as a melodic doorbell and pipe a song.

Get notified if something happens in the house like leaving open the garage door. The burning lightbulb simulates the open garage door.

Hackers in their element.

Presentation of the 8 projects.

Our own Markus (with his hand on the mouse) and Matthias (standing at the wall).

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